The Museum of Asmat Culture and Progress is a home and a place of study for anyone interested in learning about Asmat culture and art. We have over 2000 collections from around Asmat. 

The Museum of Asmat Culture and Progress, founded in 1973 through the efforts of the Diocese of Agats, is entering a new phase. Through this website, we hope to introduce the Asmat culture and the museum's collections to the whole world.

The most important thing today, however, is how the young Asmat generation can have a connection with their history and culture, some of which is on display in this museum.

The earliest collection in the museum came from the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC). The Missionaries of the Order of the Holy Cross (OSC) have been collecting since 1959 and continue to do so.

Many of them also came from Dr. Gunter Konrad, who was with Ursula Konrad when he made the first Heidelberg expedition to Brazza in 1971. Other collections were collected by Brother Mark, Bishop Alphonse Sowada and Father Trenkenschuh, as well as by Tobias Schneebaum, the first curator of the Asmat Museum.


Museum Collection
Let's learn about the Asmat Museum of Culture and Progress collection.

Cannibalism in Papua

Based on various existing literature, especially from the reports of missionaries and government officials during the Dutch administration in Papua, such as in the book “The Netherlands in Irian Jaya” Amtenar in Turbulent Times, 1945 – 1962, edited by Pim Schoorl and the book “Eenige Maanden Onder – De Papoea’s Door” by H.Lorentz, 1905 and several other books, which contain information about the life of tribes in Papua, before modern religion and government come to Papua, there is also information about headhunting and cannibalism. Specifically about war, in the past there were almost frequent wars between groups of people in Papua, which were caused by various factors including revenge, control of an area and traditional religion.

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Wanita Asmat dan Seni

Dalam penelitiannya terhadap wanita-wanita dari masyarakat pra aksara, para ahli antropologi wanita, yakni Camilla Wedgwood, Hilde Thurnwald, Phyllis Kabery, Mary Reay, Catherine Berndt dan di kemudian hari Margaret Mead serta Brigitta Hauser-Schaublin, mengadakan pengamatan penting dan sah untuk ilmu etnologi. Mereka mengamati bahwa dalam kajian penelitiannya yang dahulu, selain beberapa perkecualian yang jarang ada, hanya ada sekitar separuh dari anggota paguyuban itu yang dikenal, karena data budayanya diperoleh dari kaum pria oleh ahli etnologi pria.

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Museum Hours:
Monday - Saturday: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Sunday & Holliday: Closed
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